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A wood floor from Alfa Parquet forms the timeless basis for your interior. We are happy to create a floor that conjures up the mood your home deserves. It’s up to you how you want the floor to be laid in your room. There are two ways in which wood flooring can be installed: glue-down and floating.


For a glue-down floor, a layer of chipboard is usually glued and/or nailed to its supporting base. This base layer is smeared with glue so that the wood floor can be nailed or glued on its underside to the chipboard substrate.

This means the floor is fixed into position and can no longer move. It is virtually impossible therefore for a glue-down floor to expand or contract in response to changing relative humidity.

All types of Alfa floor – each in its own way – is suitable for the glue-down method.


A floating floor uses a insulating, noise-absorbent underlay. This is not attached to the supporting floor, simply laid down on the floor in the room. The wood strips are laid on top of this, often glued together with the aid of a tongue-and-groove system. This means that the wood flooring rests by means of its own weight on the underlay and is not, as such, ‘fixed’ in place.

The distinctive Alfa lamella floor can be ideally used as a floating floor. Ask your dealer what the possibilities are for installing a floating floor that meets your requirements.



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